Professionals: Arch. Gian Paolo Mar and Arch. Giovanna Mar
Services: Project, Construction Management
Customer: SAVE Engineering
Place: Venezia
Work cost: € 7.200.000,00 (I stralcio), € 14.885.937,47 (II stralcio)
Surface: mq 250.000
Period: 1999 – 2002
Photographer: Paolo Monello

In the perspective of realizing the modernisation works and completion of Venice-Tessera’s Marco Polo Airport, aircraft parking spaces have also been realized, 1st and 2nd stage.
The overall costs based on bidding is Euros 22.086.937,47. The works carried out comprise the widening of the aircraft-parking apron between the new terminal and the new freight building (situated North East of the control tower). The intervention has caused the movement of parts of the Pagliaghetta consortium channel, which has been diverted along the perimeter of the new areas, in a completely underground duct. Widening of the aprons with rigid paving (conglomerate concrete slabs of 6.00m by 6.00m dimensions, in flexible paving and further to the completion of a new asphalt
taxiway connecting the second runway and the new aprons, that has allowed the realization of the new parking pattern for the aircraft.
For the discharge of rainwater, a new drain network by means of a network of circular collectors (diameters between 800mm and 2000mm), separate from the existing network,
which flows into a new oil separator for the filtering of prime rainwater, aimed at possible re-entry of external water from the Pagliaghetta channel by use of products equipped with
caplet valves. Arrangements have also been made for the apron lighting systems.